Mixer Series
Scarborough East has a series of Pickleball Mixers coming up in March, April and May!
Review the page entitled "Mixers" on this website to understand what Mixers are and how to use MeetUp if you want to participate in any Pickleball Mixers.
Each Mixer in our series has an event page on MeetUp.com describing the event in detail and allowing you to provisionally reserve your spot. If you decide not to attend please release your reservation in MeetUp so someone else can attend. If you decide you are definitely attending, you must pay the event fee by the deadline in the event description. ALL EVENTS REQUIRE A DUPR RATING unless you are a beginner.
Click on the title below to go to the MeetUp page describing the event.
March 28 - Public Mixer for all levels with an instructor present for total beginners
March 29 - Public Mixer for all levels with an instructor present for total beginners
Coming in April:
April 18 - Men-only Mixer for all levels
April 19 - Women-only Mixer for all levels
Coming in May:May 9 - Mens Doubles and Womens Doubles Mixer (URL coming soon!)