Central Ohio Pickleball Leagues
At Scarborough 

Welcome to Scarborough's Co-ed Pickleball Leagues! 


Please see LEAGUE / CLUB POLICIES in the League Format and Policies tab. 


*** SPRING registration is OPEN! ***

Leagues fill up fast!`
League days/times are shown in League Options Spring 2025  tab.
Register using the horizon tab "Register for Spring 2025"


All Spring leagues start the week of Mar 30


** Substitutes are always needed!  ** 

Click on Substituting tab.


**  Click on the Pickleball  Announcements tab for
upcoming events!  Updated regularly.  **

We are proud to use DUPR to support official ratings for our players.

The following requirements do not apply to the Beginners League.

The requirements to join our leagues:
   1.  You must have gone through our beginner league.


You already know how to play pickleball (including official rules) and have an official DUPR or USAPA skill rating, or a pickleball skills assessment from a local pickleball Pro (we need written verification).

2.  You have a minimum OFFICIAL DUPR 3.0 skill level and/or meet specific DUPR requirements of the league you want to join. 

3.  You must read our League Policies (see League Format and Policies tab) to understand our leagues requirements and how the leagues operate.  You must agree to abide by all policies.

League play is not recreational play.  It is real competition.  Players expect a very competitive environment, and they pay money to play in that environment.  It is not social (or public park) competition.

Please do NOT register for any league unless you meet these requirements!  The Pickleball Director will ask you to leave the league if you join a league under false pretenses.

(Note: the 2.5 requirement applies to new players joining our leagues and not existing league players.)

Scarborough offers leagues throughout the year!  

The league sessions generally go with the seasons
(fall, winter, spring, summer).


Registration is open!

League Information

 Weekly Fees ($12)

When you join a league, you pay for all of the weeks of the first month that you join.
There is no refund of these first month's fees.

After that you are charged $12/wk (paid monthly) for all of the weeks of league play in that month.

 Session Registration Fees ($25)

When you join any Scarborough league session as a brand new league player, you pay a session registration fee of $25.  

As long as you stay in each subsequent session of at least one league, you do not have to pay this registration fee again.  If you drop out of a session and later you join another session, you will need to pay the $25 session registration fee again.   

Our league sessions follow the seasons.  We have a fall, winter, spring, and summer session. 

     Scarborough East Club members have reduced rates and do not have to pay the Session
    Registration fee.

See the League Format and Policies tab for detailed rules about the matches, balls used, competition rules, etc.  NOTE:  We have 2 strike policy for NO SHOWS and a 3 strike policy for unsportsmanlike conduct.  

After reading all of the information on this page and in the League Format and Policies tab, you can contact Jacqueline Boggs, Pickleball Director, if you still have questions (pick10tennis@gmail.com).

As a Scarborough pickleball league* participant, you get extra value!  

*These benefits don't apply to Scarborough's summer travel league(s).
**barring any unforeseen technical issues.

Who can join the leagues?

Our pickleball leagues are open to anyone.  You do not have to be a member of Scarborough East Tennis Club at this time, although club members get priority for spots and a cheaper rate.  

The leagues are co-ed so men and women all play together.

You do not need a partner to join a ladder league because you are put on a court with 3 other people.

You may also share a permanent spot --  and the weekly costs -- with one other person if you want to play less often than once per week, or if you know you are going to miss several weeks straight.   

You can drop out of the league at the end of any month except the first one without losing any money.   We do ask for 10 days notice so we can find a replacement player. 

Will you be a player and join the fun?  

This website used for league management.